### Changed
- Added PHP 8.1 compatibility
- Added clone functionality to copy customization area from one product to another
- Code improvement to use declarative schema

### Fixed
- Fixed issue with creating clipart category
- Fixed issue with adding new fonts
- Fixed issue with uploading big file size
- Fixed customization popup on the mobile view
- Fixed issue with customization button front-end when no customization area or image is selected from admin
- Fixed issue with Downloading source when the customized product is disabled
- Fixed issue with displaying customized product image when more than one products are available in the cart and customer account order page
- Fixed price error when saving product in admin
Ver. 1.4.17 - Released October 13, 2021

+ Allowed the button text to be configured on store level
+ Added admin configuration to apply a Default Font size
+ Added admin configuration to Hide/Display object manipulation sections (For ex: flip or copy text/image)

- Fixed issue with Allow Distortion of Objects configuration when setting value as No
A multi-purpose custom product designer for Magento 2. Let shoppers create their own gifts, mugs, caps, etc