Gifting for WooCommerce Subscriptions

Gifting for WooCommerce Subscriptions 2.9.0

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* Fix: Re-includes the missing metas used to display the recipient user information on the admin. #449
* Fix: Fixes the initial order email not being sent after the latest changes to the user creation flow. #446
* Fix: Memberships access linked to purchasing a subscription product was not being granted to the gift recipient due to a bug in 2.8.0. #450
* Tweak: Update shipping notice copy to make it clearer. #447
Dev: Use `wp_safe_redirect()` when redirecting to My Account. #435
* Add: Declare compatibility with WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS). #418
* Fix: Purchasing a gift subscription via the checkout on stores that have HPOS enabled. #426
* Fix: Display the Subscriptions list table filter to filter by gifted and non-gifted subscriptions when HPOS is enabled. #428
* Fix: Filter the Subscription list table when the gifting filter is used on stores with HPOS enabled. #428
* Fix: Show the correct number of gifted subscriptions in the system status report when HPOS is enabled. #430
* Fix: Empty edit subscriptions link on the Subscriptions list table when HPOS is enabled. #431
* Fix: Grant view_order permissions to recipients when HPOS is enabled. #431
* Fix: Save and update the recipients address on the subscription when HPOS is enabled. #433
* Dev: Update `get_recipient_subscriptions()` to replace `get_posts()` with `wcs_get_subscriptions()`. #426
* Dev: Update `set_recipient_user()` and `delete_recipient_user` to use WC CRUD methods. #426
* Dev: Fixes deprecation warnings on the latest Subscriptions version. #431
* Dev: Update `$post->post_type` code to use subscriptions data store functions. #431
* Fix: Remove redundant password fields in new recipient account form. PR #414
* Dev: Document supported versions of nodejs & npm. PR #412
Download Gifting for WooCommerce Subscriptions v2.5.0 Nulled Free
2022-08-18 - v2.5.0

* Fix: Include additional content in new initial order and new recipient account emails.
Download Gifting for WooCommerce Subscriptions v2.4.0 Nulled Free
2022-05-31 - v2.4.0

* Dev: Updates the WordPress tested up to version to 6.0.
* Dev: Removes the readme.txt file.