Independent Analytics Pro

Independent Analytics Pro 2.9.1

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Fix:** tracking script could trigger errors before database migration finished
* **Fix:** eCommerce orders could be accounted for multiple times
Fix:** Some data wasn't visible for the America/Santiago timezone
Fix:** Editing a comment could trigger an error in the admin panel for some sites
* **Fix:** super admins were still limited to only viewing authored content in some situations
* **Fix:** Email report heading wasn't considering timezones
* **Fix:** Formidable Forms and MailOptin submissions going untracked
* **Fix:** WooCommerce orders using the block checkout were not tracked
* **Fix:** Email report scheduling wasn't considering timezones
* **Fix:** Timezone comparisons were causing warnings in the logs
* **Fix:** Custom post type menu bug
* **Fix:** Device data cache bug
* **Fix:** Fixed an issue with average session duration being over-inflated
* **Fix:** Fixed max_connection error