– Security update, Gutenberg block design and Facebook icon fixes
Gutenberg Grid selector dropdown design fixed, especially for widgets screen where it was unclickable
Missing Facebook icons after a while (once they expire) in the Shortcode Editor (now given a fallback there too)
Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float to int loses precision in…
Image downloader’s vulnerability fixed
- Made the “Grid/Shortcode Editor minimum user role” setting more useful by including the “JIG” menu with its “Grid” and “Create New Grid” in its effect.
- Facebook default app type setting switched to Business, this only affects new installations.
- Facebook Feed can now show cover image changes and more “album type” posts.
- Adjusted Facebook Feed feature’s captions to be more meaningful.
- Dropped support for RML versions 2.8 and earlier, which are now over 7 years old.
- Dropped MobileDetect PHP Library for wp_is_mobile() function.
- Fallback icon instead of broken image for Facebook entities when their profile images expire (in the dashboard).
- When refreshing Facebook access, because of a bug the Pages received the User Token instead of a Page Token, this affected the ability to load Page Feeds.
- Regarding the Facebook feature’s Business App Type, you no longer need to have “full control” of a Page that you are an admin of, simply being invited with “Facebook access” is enough and it will show up in JIG (to show content from).
- When you no longer have access to a Facebook page or it is gone, it’ll be auto-removed from the dashboard instead of hanging the UI.
- PHP 8.3 compatibility.
- PHP Deprecated: usort(): Returning bool from comparison function is deprecated.
- PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “ID” on null.
- PHP: A scalar of type ‘string’ used as an array.
- PHP: post_thumbnail_id accessed via magic method.
- Removed references to the nonexisting $post->page_name.
- PHP: Trying to get property of non-object of type void.
- Addressed deprecated Elementor and Jetpack info messages (using both their new and old methods to stay compatible with versions older than 1-2 years).
- “Show children of a page” in Recent Posts.
- PHP Warning: Undefined array key “collection” (in relation to Flickr source).
- Facebook API to v20.
- Translation template (Spanish is 94% for now).
- Documentation.
- Support for Facebook App Types with a new setting. If your app continues with a legacy type of "None" then no changes for you, for now. New apps must have (and some existing apps have been switched to) a Type, meaning restricted permissions of accessing either(!) your Profile or your Pages. The new setting in JIG lets you match the Type of your app for continued operations. The default of the new setting is the "None" type, so the update doesn't break anything for existing users. The next update will switch the default to "Business" which will affect new installations (since you can no longer create an app without a type).
- Facebook App setup instructions.
- For less friction, when setting up a Facebook connection, you no longer need to save changes after filling in the App ID/Secret/Type but before adding the current user and administered pages.
- No longer using z-index for caption special effect visibility (in front of or behind overlay) and for the order of overlay/caption components. This improves compatibility with stuff like menus and popups.
- Simplified borders: when captions are below thumbs, the inner and middle border remain around the image, and only the outer border encapsulates the caption (this is nice for a Polaroid look).
- Auto-refresh of Facebook avatars removed as it was too aggressive and caused an infinite loop exhausting API limits when one of them arrived broken. If an avatar is missing, you can refresh that page or profile manually. It has no impact on the galleries.
- "This block has encountered an error and cannot be previewed." due to my usage of the Placeholder component on WP 6.4.
- Facebook API v18 compatibility, including business_management scope to gain access to all your managed pages again.
- When using the middle border, but the caption is not below thumbs, there was too much padding on the sides of the caption.
- A conflict in the animation of outer and middle border.
New features:
- New setting – Limit height to viewport. It prevents rows from appearing taller than the device/browser viewport (usable height of the screen), avoiding the need for scrolling to wholly explore a thumbnail. This was the default behavior since v2.8 (for over seven years), but there was no way to turn it off. Certain use cases benefit from unlocking tall rows, such as showing illustrations, mobile screenshots, lightboxless galleries, and portraits that don’t need to be seen in their entirety. Sometimes filling all available width is more important than fitting an image that is only slightly taller.
- A global function jigHookItems (items){}, when defined (for example in the Custom JS of JIG settings), allows you to influence the all items (images) list of your grids, prior to creation. It arose from a customer request to manipulate image URLs on the client side. In that particular case, we used it to change extensions to WebP when the browser supports it, to load pre-generated WebP thumbnails instead of TimThumb. The server-side equivalent could not be used due to caching plugins.
- Font size slightly increased in the Grid/Shortcode Editor.
- The detection for RML (Real Media Library) failed when it wasn’t installed and polluted the shortcode with attributes related to that.
- When conditional script loading was turned off (to be unconditional), Grid live preview failed to work.
- Checking for non-existent (or deleted) RML ID works again without showing a PHP warning.
- RML’s “Overview of top level objects” functionality is restored.
- Pre-PHP7.1 compatibility: removed “public const” from source.
- PhotoSwipe: pswp—undefined-theme class removed when opened with anything other than the light theme.
- Documentation