Dike licensing's obfuscated javascript replaced to avoid false positives from antivirus softwares
added German translation
fixed lightbox closing clicking on background on long "media-focused" items
fixed continuous lightbox image height check erroneously affecting slider video poster
- added: custom text for the infinite scroll's "show more" button
- fixed: real-time conditional settings field toggle
- fixed: wrong page's items number if there is an item missing the featured image
- added: settings export/import system
- added: Javascript trigger (mg_lb_contents_shown) to perform extra operations on lightbox contents display
- fixed zoom-out icon not showing up in lightbox
- fixed touchswipe in deeplinked lightboxes
- fixed rotated thumbnails (due to bad apple-related EXIF data)
- NEW lightbox aligned usign ultra-modern CSS techniques (with bad browsers fallback)
- FIXED lightbox showing small srcset image
- new: lightbox images now use srcset for better mobile performances
- new: lightbox slider thumbnails now use the smallest srcset image available
- new: grid builder - better items order report when paginator blocks are involved
- new: lightbox AJAX call now performed with modern/faster fetch() API
- new: grid filters styling totally re-coded using modern CSS techniques
- added: minimum height option for lightbox slider
- updated: LC micro slider
- updated: Twitter-X icon
- fixed: lightbox touchswipe init when lightbox code is not set on the page
- fixed: not-https media URLs derived from WP "guid"
- fixed: "round hidden" lightbox navigation commands display on mobile