PublishPress Authors Pro

PublishPress Authors Pro 4.2.1

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* Feature: Allow users to re-order Author Boxes fields, #1441
* Feature: Allow user to control the order of fields in the "Author Profile" via "Author Fields" Drag and Drop, #1463
* Update: Hook into the action to flush cache when authors are saved, #1270
* Update: Update instance of 'Author: %s' to use wordpress translation, #1235
* Fixed: Fix ppma_edit_own_profile capability missing for required role, #1443
* Update: Add rel="nofollow" to links in Author Boxes, #1249
* Feature: Extend Search Box to all layouts, #1262
* Fixed: Additional Rank math Integration conflict, #1434
* Update: Remove custom names for each Author Fields label, #1289
* Fixed: Author box Avatar Border Radius not reflecting when set to "0", #1432
* Update: Improve message for mapping authors, #1131
* Fixed: WYSIWYG Fields line breaks not working, #1444
* Fixed: Compatibility with Admin Menu Editor, #1247
* Fixed: [publishpress_authors_list] shortcode issue, #1448
* Fixed: Authors data shortcode separator does not having space, #1445
* Update: Add "SameAs" schema option to links, #1189
* Fixed: Compability Issue with beaver builder, #1227
* Update: Remove domain translation from "Recent Posts" and "Author" in favour of WordPress translation, #1194
* Fixed: Issue with author box styles when multiple author box is on the same page, #1208
* Update: Add fallback field for [publishpress_authors_data] shortcode, #1150
* Update: Make Author Box edit page responsive, #1172
* Fixed: PHP Warning – Undefined array key “url”, #1190
* Fixed: Can\'t use HTML in Author Boxes Bio, #1175
* Update: Remove Edit bulk action Author Box screen, #1173
* Update: Replace "Biographical Info" with "Author Bio", #1176
* Update: ES-FR-IT Translations Updates January 2023, #1177
* Update: Update Author Pages Schema to Person Schema type, #1163
* Fixed: Incorrect display name is being used for schema, #1160
* Update: Extra text for "Display Name" field, #1161
* Update: ES-FR-IT Translations Updates January 2023, #1177
* Update: Integrate PublishPress Authors with Yoast, #1102
* Update: Add support for structured data for authors for RankMath SEO Plugin, #391
* Fixed: Post Author widget not updating, #1122
* Update: Accessibility improvements for links, #1138
* Update: Add "archive" parameter to [publishpress_authors_data] shortcode, #1136
* Update: Rename public methods for better clarity and avoiding name conflicts, #520
* Fixed: Issue with author boxes profile field background color, #1128
* Update: Add author pages excerpt ellipsis in settings, #1124
* Update: Add new before and after prefix or suffix for author boxes profile fields, #1119
* Update: Move function generatepress_author_output to a new module, #587
* Fixed: Code looking for wrong function before getting multiple authors in the author box, #571
* Update: Italian Translation Update December 2022, #1145
* Fixed: Icon does not hide when there is no value, #1103
* Fixed: Author pages pulling excerpts from content, #1112
* Update: Allow to set author's page post limit, #1108
* Fixed: Author Field Link is not Active link, #1105
* Fixed: Link does not rendered on WYSIWYG field, #1101
* Update: Added last_article_date to publishpress_authors_list shortcode [publishpress_authors_list last_article_date="1 year ago"]
* Update: Allow to set Author Boxes previewing authors, #913
* Update: Added group by field name to authors_index [publishpress_authors_list layout="authors_index" group_by="last_name"], #977
* Update: Allow Author list to have 2 columns for custom layout [publishpress_authors_list layout="boxed" layout_columns="2"], #996
* Fixed: Issue with Translatepress + WPUlike, #962
* Update: Make new "Boxed" the default layout, #980
* Fixed: Authors causing custom post type and taxonomy archives SEO title to be untitled, #1013
* Fixed: Authors_Iterator call in Author_box.php assumes that $post global is populated (which it isn't sometimes) #999
* Update: Change author 'Name' label to 'Display Name', #991
* Update: Remove the "All dates" feature in Author Boxes, #990
* Update: Add Required / Optional settings to Author fields, #1066
* Fixed: An incongruence in the line 170 between singular and plural, #982
* Update: Change name of Settings to PublishPress Authors, #981
* Fixed: Documentation link missing for Author boxes generate template, #978
* Update: Remove Legacy options and "Layouts" menu, #960
* Update: Add a Pro sidebar, #1050
* Update: New "Advanced" tab in settings, #1020
* Update: Add Dashicons and Fontawesome icon pages link to Author Boxes profile icon field, #1064
* Update: Move Author Bio up the "Author Profile" screen, #1058
* Update: Display Pro banner on Boxes and Fields screen, #1052
* Update: Rename and add option to hide Author Box Display Name, #1057
* Update: Rename Author Boxes "Author Bio" to "Biographical Info", #1056
* Update: Use "Avatar" on Profile tab, #1060
* Update: Authors_ES-IT_Translation_Update-19-October 2022, #979
* Update: FRENCH_Translation Update_Authors 20 October2022, #984
* Update: Added last_article_date to publishpress_authors_list shortcode [publishpress_authors_list last_article_date="1 year ago"]
* Update: Allow to set Author Boxes previewing authors, #913
* Update: Added group by field name to authors_index [publishpress_authors_list layout="authors_index" group_by="last_name"], #977
* Update: Allow Author list to have 2 columns for custom layout [publishpress_authors_list layout="boxed" layout_columns="2"], #996
* Fixed: Issue with Translatepress + WPUlike, #962
* Update: Make new "Boxed" the default layout, #980
* Fixed: Authors causing custom post type and taxonomy archives SEO title to be untitled, #1013
* Fixed: Authors_Iterator call in Author_box.php assumes that $post global is populated (which it isn't sometimes) #999
* Update: Change author 'Name' label to 'Display Name', #991
* Update: Remove the "All dates" feature in Author Boxes, #990
* Fixed: An incongruence in the line 170 between singular and plural, #982
* Update: Change name of Settings to PublishPress Authors, #981
* Fixed: Documentation link missing for Author boxes generate template, #978
* Update: Authors_ES-IT_Translation_Update-19-October 2022, #979
* Update: FRENCH_Translation Update_Authors 20 October2022, #984
Download PublishPress Authors Pro v3.30.0 Nulled Free
= [v3.30.0] - 18 Oct 2022 =

* Feature: Add new improved layouts (Author Boxes), #896
* Update: Deprecate Twig layout as legacy, #758
* Fixed: Authors plugin causes a fatal error and prevents pages from loading, #863
* Update: Remove "Layouts" promo link, #959
* Update: Remove Author Recent and Author Index from layout list, #956
* Update: Move Disable the "Authors" box when using "Quick Edit" to General tab, #953
* Fixed: Small settings typo, #955
* Update: Add an ALT Text for the avatars, #931
* Update: Allow users to disable Authors Box in Quick Edit, #897
* Update: Add descriptive text to Authors links, #807
* Update: Prevent some critical error on wp api author response, #898
* Update: authors-IT-translation-update_september2022, #899
* Update: Authors-FR-TranslationUpdate-September2022, #908
* Update: NewAuthors-Version3.22.0-ES-FR-IT-TranslationUpdate-7October2022, #932
Download PublishPress Authors Pro v3.23.0 Nulled Free
= [v3.23.0] - 3 Oct 2022 =
* Update: Upgrade twig to v1.44.7, #921
* Update: Update minimum php requirement to PHP 7.2.5
Download PublishPress Authors Pro v3.22.0 Nulled Free
= [v3.22.0] - 1 Sep 2022 =
* Update: Added avatar to publishpress_authors_data shortcode [publishpress_authors_data field="avatar"] #887
* Update: Added settings to disable mapped user check when creating author, #885
* Update: Added First Name to Authors REST API data #877
* Update: Added Last Name to Authors REST API data #877
* Update: Added User Biography to Authors REST API data #877
* Update: Added Custom fields to Authors REST API data #877
* Update: Authors_ES_FR_IT_Translations_August17-2022, #876