* Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 9.1.0.
* Fix: Missing Edit Price button on initial load of cart block. #269.
* Fix: Limit product type options to only product posts.
* Fix: esc_html() on add to cart text in variations.
* Fix: Deprecate `wc_nyp_supports_formatting_on_done_typing` filter as autoformatting the currency on "done typing" has been removed for accessibility reasons.
* Tweak: Handle enter keypresses- If valid move focus to next input. If invalid, stay put.
* Fix: Variable products plus comma decimal causing incorrect price on reload. #263.
* Fix: Add cart/checkout block compatibility. #257.
* Fix: Disable regular price fields in quick edit when product is NYP. #250.
* Fix: Currency formatting when editing price in cart after switching currencies.
* Tweak: Add support for Aelia Currency converting pre-filled price when editing price in cart after switching currencies.
* Fix: Switch price input inputmode to decimal for better mobile iOS support.
* Fix: Missing Aelia Currency Switcher conversion for min/max prices.
* Important: Requires WooCommerce 4.0.0 and PHP 7.2.
* Important: Updates/changes to text strings. Please revise your translations.
* New: Customize the "Upgrade/Downgrade" button text for switching subscription prices. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Subscriptions.
* New: Automatically format the price when focused on the price input after 1 second of inactivity.
* New: Support for Store API add to cart validation. wp-json/wc/store/v1/cart/add-item?id=66&nyp=99
* New: Add support for Import/Export. #206.
* New: Add compatibility with Aelia Currency Switcher.
* Dev: Rewrite name-your-price.js to remove accounting.js script dependency. #234.
* Dev: Remove `finally` from try/catch block in cart->validate_price() as it is always executing instead of allowing the Exception to be thrown. This means you will need to catch Exception if `throw_exception` is enabled via method args.
* Dev: Deprecate/remove `wc_nyp_error_message` filter.
* Dev: Fix CoCart compatibility module.
* Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 7.3.
* New: Add inputmode="numeric" attribute to price input. Brings up number keyboard on mobiles.
* Fix: Compatibility for NYP Variations as part of Product Bundle. #223.
* Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 7.0.
* Fix: Hide PayPal Pament's "buy now" buttons for Name Your Price products.
* Fix: Hide Braintree PayPal's "buy now" buttons for Name Your Price products.
* Fix: Hide Cybersource GooglePay request buttons for Name Your Price products.
* Tweak - Declared compatibility with the new Custom Order Tables.
* Tweak: Add database version to System Status Report.