* Fix: Restore Retry icon in Orders table for HPOS-enabled stores.
* Fix: Correctly updates a subscription status to `cancelled` during a payment failure call when the current status is `pending-cancel`.
* Fix: Clear the `cancelled_email_sent` meta when a subscription is reactivated to allow the customer to receive future cancellation emails.
* Fix: Prevent deprecation notices after updating to WooCommerce 9.3.
* Fix: Prevent PHP fatal error that occurs when calculating the total tax refunded on a subscription.
* Dev: Only initialise the `WCS_WC_Admin_Manager` class on stores running WC 9.2 or older. This class handled integration with the Woo Navigation feature that was removed in WC 9.3.
* Fix: Resolved two issues preventing the correct display of the "Subscription items can no longer be edited." message on the Edit Subscription page.
* Fix: Checks for the existence of `wc_get_page_screen_id` before calling it on `wcs_get_page_screen_id`, and for the admin context before calling `list_table_primary_column` to prevent fatal errors.
* Fix: Blocks the reactivation of a subscription when the end date is in the past.
* Fix: Ensure a subscription's modified date is updated when its related order cache is updated on non-HPOS sites.
* Fix: Ensure trial period form data is set before use to prevent fatal errors when the data is missing.
* Fix: Resolved an error with coupon discount calculations for manual or early renewal orders on stores with tax-inclusive pricing.
* Fix: Add the theme-compatible button class to the switch button on the My Account > Subscription page.
* Dev: Removing the unused method `maybe_remove_formatted_order_total_filter` hooked to `woocommerce_get_formatted_order_total` which was deprecated.
* Dev: Update subscriptions-core to 7.5.0
* Fix: Prevent errors during checkout when a customer is switching their subscription product and does not require payment.
* Dev: Update subscriptions-core to 7.4.3.
* Fix: Resolve duplicate subscription creation and PHP warning when switching subscriptions with Prepaid for WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin active.
* Fix: Switch calculations now exclude previous switch orders with a checkout-draft status.
* Dev: Introduce new parameter to WC_Subscription::get_last_order() to enable filtering out orders with specific statuses.
* Update: Schedule subscription-related events with a priority of 1 to allow for earlier execution within the Action Scheduler.
* Fix: Ensure admin notices are displayed after performing bulk actions on subscriptions when HPOS is enabled.
* Fix: Add a year to the next renewal date billing interval is 12 months or more for a synced subscription.
* Dev: Added filter to enable overriding the total paid for current switch period.
* Dev: Updated subscriptions-core to 7.4.1.
* Fix: Resolved errors preventing subscription-related webhooks from sending on WC 9.0 stores.
* Add: New WP CLI support to manage subscriptions via command line.
* Add: Introduce wc/v2 subscription REST API endpoints.
* Fix: label improvement on my subscription page template.
* Fix: Regenerate subscriptions related order caches (renewal, resubscribe, switch) if it's stored as an invalid value to prevent fatal errors.
* Update: Show "FREE" instead of 0 when there is no shipping cost in the recurring totals section of the Cart and Checkout blocks (requires WooCommerce 9.0+).
* Dev: New function wcs_set_recurring_item_total() to set line item totals that have been copied from an initial order to their proper recurring totals (i.e. remove sign-up fees).
* Dev: Updated subscriptions-core to 7.2.0.
* Fix: Prevent overriding line item totals provided in request data when creating Orders via the REST API.
* Add: Declare WooCommerce as a plugin dependency in the plugin header.
* Fix: Ensure next payment dates are only extended when early renewal orders paid via the modal are fully paid. Prevents extending dates on authorized but not captured payments.
* Fix: Updated the switching calculator to handle situations where an upgrade has a new price per day less than the old price per day. Previously this would result in a negative upgrade cost.
* Fix: Update the failing payment method on a subscription when customers successfully pay for a failed renewal order via the block checkout.
* Fix: Resolved an issue that would cause subscriptions to be directly cancelled by the WooCommerce process of automatically cancelling unpaid orders in-line with the hold stock setting.
* Fix: Prevent duplicate status transition notes on subscriptions and potential infinite loops when processing subscription status transitions.
* Fix: Resolved an issue that could lead to "Undefined array key 'order-received'" errors.
* Fix: Resolved errors that could occur when paying for renewal orders via the checkout when the store has custom checkout fields.
* Fix: Resolved database errors that would occur when ordering the subscriptions list table by the 'Last order date' on sites with HPOS enabled.
* Dev: Introduced a new filter ('wcs_setup_cart_for_subscription_initial_payment') to enable third-party plugins to use the pay-for-order flow to complete a subscription's initial payment.
* Dev: Updated subscriptions-core to 7.0.0.
* Fix: Ensure the subscription renewal payment process doesn't attempt to reprocess previously paid renewal orders.
* Fix: Resolved an issue where discounts, when reapplied to failed or manual subscription order payments, would incorrectly account for inclusive tax.
* Fix: Resolved an issue that could cause an empty error notice to appear on the My Account > Payment methods page when a customer attempted to delete a token used by subscriptions.
* Fix: Make sure we always clear the subscription object from cache after updating dates.
* Fix: Use block theme styles for the 'Add to Cart' button on subscription product pages.
* Fix: Customer notes not being saved on the Edit Subscription page for stores with HPOS enabled.
* Fix: Ensure products that have a yearly billing period can choose a date that the subscription is synchronized to.
* Fix: Improved alignment of subscription product pricing fields on the edit product screen for consistency with other fields.
* Fix: Avoid setting empty meta keys on subscriptions when changing the customer's default payment method.
* Fix: Use a more scalable way to filter the orders admin list table by parent orders on HPOS stores.
* Fix: Resolved an issue that prevented subscription custom place order button labels from working on the block checkout.
* Update: Change the update all subscriptions checkbox displayed on the change payment method page to be enabled by default.
* Dev: Update subscriptions-core to 6.9.0
* Add: Subscription plugin settings can now be fetched via the /wc/v3/settings/subscriptions REST API endpoint.
* Fix: Trigger the subscription.updated webhook event for all subscription updates.
* Fix: Block the UI after a customer clicks actions on the My Account > Subscriptions page to prevent multiple requests from being sent.
* Fix: WC 8.6.0 compatibility: Resolved wc_get_log_file_path() deprecation warnings.