WordPress WooCommerce Wallet System Plugin

WordPress WooCommerce Wallet System Plugin 3.6.3

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Fixed: Minor issue in wallet payment when shipping is not enabled.
Fixed: Issue with gateway settings not saving when Twilio data is not filled.
Fixed: Coding standard according new PHP and WP Coding standards in wallet gateway submodule.
Added: Wallet System submenu in global Webkul WC Addons menu.
Managed: Transactions migration from old table to new using background processing.
Migrated: OTP settings to wallet gateway settings sections.

== Wallet Submodule - 1.0.7 (24-05-23) ==
Added: Description note for max wallet limit, recharge and transfer limits on customer end.
Fixed: Wallet gateway not appearing for full payments when shipping is disabled.
Fixed: Transaction table header sorting was not working properly in admin.
Fixed: Multiple manual transactions submission on multiple button clicks.
Fixed: Transaction date display format issues on view transaction page.
Fixed: Reference is not updating in DB properly for wallet system plugin.
Removed: Transaction deletion feature from customer end.
Added: Caching submodule for fast loading of wallet transaction page.
Added: Wallet gateway as a submodule to generalize the codebase.
Added: Resend OTP feature after its expired.
Added: Wallet notification for each wallet transaction like cashback, recharge, transfer and manual transactions.
Fixed: Coding standard according to WordPress and WooCommerce Coding standard.
Fixed: Issues in cachback calculation and its transfer.
Fixed: Issue in sorting cachback rules table in admin dashboard.
Fixed: Issue in exporting the filter transactions from admin list.
Fixed: Issue in updating wallet recharge price in cart when multiple user recharging the wallet simultaneously.