* Fix: Use wp_remote_fopen() to get around allow_url_fopen restriction
* Fix: Check the input URL before including it in the request to add or revise eBay listings
* Dev: Display Pro features in WP-Lister Lite
* Fix: List on eBay action not working when WC Block Editor is enabled
* Fix: Error when trying to list a product with no primary category set
* Fix: Removed the deprecated Item.ShippingDetails.CalculatedShippingRate.OriginatingPostalCode
* Dev: Added the action wple_reset_item to reset sold and archived listings to their prepared state
* Dev: Set the HTTP version to 1.1 in the eBay API library
* Fix: Missing Condition Description field for non-Trading Card categories
* Fix: ContentDescriptor not being added when no category is set in the profile
* Fix: Item Conditions not loading for mapped categories
* Fix: SQL error when downloading larger messages from eBay
* Fix: Error when adding tracking details to WooCommerce
* Dev: Fixed sandbox URL
* New: Added support for the new Category Descriptor fields for Trading Cards
* Fix: Warnings when displaying admin messages
* Fix: Lite version broken Edit Orders page
* Fix: Missing Category Tree ID for BE marketplace
* Fix: Custom eBay title not getting the prefix and suffix from the profile
* Fix: Archived GTC listings not getting cleared automatically
* Fix: Some sites are not getting notified of new releases
* Dev: Added the filter wple_product_get_price
* Fix: Error in renaming Listing Template functions
* Fix: SQL error when getting an empty API response
* Fix: Date created not showing the correct value for relisted items
* Fix: License getting removed on HTTP errors
* New: Support for WooCommerce's High Performance Order Storage feature
* New: Added the Post Italiane shipping provider
* New: Added a setting to select the product statuses that can be published to eBay
* New: Variation Size Mapping to display different variation options to eBay depending on the marketplace
* Tweak: Improved licensing system with regular status checks
* Tweak: Improved performance when searching for listings
* Tweak: Send stock monitor notifications to the admin email
* Tweak: Item Specifics UI
* Fix: Fatal error in calculating Product Bundles stocks
* Fix: Fatal error when editing post comments
* Fix: Fatal error in the Lite version when importing orders from eBay
* Fix: Error trying to assign a Secondary Store Category
* Fix: Error saving response_url from eBay Messages
* Fix: Error when saving an empty response from eBay
* Fix: Warnings in the Orders page
* Fix: Notices in the Edit Product page
* Fix: Missing CategoryTreeID for NL-BE marketplace
* Fix: Timeout while trying to activate the license
* Fix: Set WC order's status to Refunded when the full order amount has been refunded on eBay
* Fix: Refunds not getting processed when "refund including line items" is selected
* Fix: Errors in the Listings page when one or more listings are assigned to a non-existing profile
* Fix: Feedback text not getting stored and displayed in the View/Edit Order page
* Fix: Warnings in the Edit Profile page
* Fix: eBay total sales tax being added as line taxes
* Dev: Removed references to some order attributes that have been marked as deprecated by eBay
* Dev: Removed unnecessary logs
* Dev: Added missing primary keys on some tables
* Dev: Added a prefix to the instance ID to fix some activation errors
* Dev: Updated GuzzleHttp/Psr7 to 1.9.1
* Tweak: Only allow setting the Paid property when completing a sale to either TRUE or not set - never FALSE
* Fixed: Javascript error that causes multiple repeated shipping fields in the profile and edit product pages
* Fixed: Missing Grid Editor CSS files
* Fixed: FindProducts via EPID not returning results
* Fixed: Fix: Image URLs getting double encoding when uploading to EPS
* Dev: Added new filters to customize the minimum image dimensions: wple_listing_image_min_width and wple_listing_image_min_height
* Dev: Translate item specific names using the wple_item_specific_name_translations filter for 3rd-parties
* Dev: Added new filter to disable eBay Motors category importing wple_fetch_ebay_motors_categories
* Added: Setting that lets WP-Lister override the "Prices entered with tax" WooCommerce setting for stores that have different tax settings from their eBay stores
* Added: Setting to add/remove the tax amount from the order total when creating orders from eBay
* Tweak: Replaced the edit_others_pages capability with edit_others_shop_orders to have access to orders and edit_others_products to view listings
* Tweak: Additional check to determine if a listing is GTC
* Fixed: Division by 0 error when getting quantity with bundled products
* Fixed: Shipping discount profiles are not getting downloaded
* Fixed: Check for existing email address to see if buyer already has a Customer account
* Fixed: Warning "Undefined array key "total"
* Fixed: Unable to use multiple values in Item Specifics due to size limit
* Dev: Remove calls to the deprecated methods WPL_WooOrderBuilder::updateLegacyOrderFromEbayOrder() and WPL_WooOrderBuilder::createLegacyOrderFromEbayOrder()
* Added: Check for a _shipped_time postmeta to use when completing orders on eBay
* Fixed: GTC listings are getting ended and unlinked
* Fixed: Warnings in the Settings > Accounts page
* Fixed: Updated the maximum number of allowed listing images from 12 to 24
* Fixed: Adding a shipping service for Freight shipping caused errors for some sellers
* Dev: Added new filter wple_data_pre_handleItemDetail
* Dev: Added new action wple_post_handleItemDetail
* Dev: Added support for 3rd-party code to add order Shipped Time using the _shipped_time postmeta