No permission to download
* FIXED: XSS when loading contact details.
* FIXED: Nonce validation when revealing contact details on the Ad details pages.
* FIXED: Gallery icon showing on Ad details pages even when there are no images uploaded.
* FIXED: Fatal error when null is passed to adverts_filter_money() function.
* API: The minified Tailwind CSS file was renamed and moved to /assets/css folder.
* FIXED: Improvments and fixes for the new slider to better integrate it with various themes.
* FIXED: wpadverts-blocks-editor-search stylesheet generates incorrect version number.
* FIXED: Use 'echo esc_attr()' instrad of 'esc_attr_e()' function where appropriate.
* FIXED: Blocks trying to load JavaScript file that does not exist.
* FIXED: Multiselect input not inheriting the styling correctly in the block mode.
* FIXED: List Data input not working correctly in the Classifieds Manage block
* FIXED: Contact Phone button in Contact Block should be hidden when the phone is not provided.
* FIXED: Changes to some phrases in the wp-admin / Classifieds / Options to make them more self explanatory.
* FIXED: $_checksum_args property missing (causing a notice/warning in the Classifieds Publish block).
* FIXED: Selecting "None" in the taxonomy rendering option is not working correclty.
* FIXED: Data Table block not filtering fields correclty by the include_fields option.
* FIXED: Classifieds Search block not loading CSS code.
* FIXED: Not possible to move the Single Notification block.
* API: wpadverts/block/single-contact/contact-options filter added.
* API: wpadverts/block/field/types filter allows registering new field types.
* API: Introduced is_visible property to the contact options API