Amazon Lightsail For WHMCS

Amazon Lightsail For WHMCS v1.3.3 Not Nulled

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Sep 11, 2021
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thanks to dear member @theresa submitted a new resource:

Amazon Lightsail For WHMCS - a module developed to fully automate the Amazon Lightsail instances provisioning along

Amazon Lightsail For WHMCS is a module developed to fully automate the Amazon Lightsail instances provisioning along with their careful supervision without leaving your WHMCS.

As an administrator, you will gain full control over the product’s configuration and means to freely modify such instance details as the region, availability zone, blueprints plus select plans most suitable to your clients' needs. The module will also supply your clientele with a handy toolkit to perform all...

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Are people actually reselling amazon light sail service? lmao