[DBTech] Tweet Poster

[DBTech] Tweet Poster 2.0.0

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Mar 12, 2021
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anne51 submitted a new resource:

[DBTech] Tweet Poster - Instantly share new threads posted in select forums to Twitter.

Instantly share new threads posted in select forums to Twitter. Supports adding hash tags, either pre-defined or manually during posting, and prevents your tweets from going over the 280 character limit.

Why use Tweet Poster?

Tweet Poster allows your users to stay up to date with your forums' news even while they're not at the computer, by having new threads posted in certain forums automatically post to your Twitter feed.
Additionally, search engines tend to prioritise links found...

Read more about this resource...
anne51 updated [DBTech] Tweet Poster with a new update entry:


Update highlights

This version updates the minimum PHP version requirement to 7.3.

Please note that 7.3 was always required, I just failed to realise this when updating the Twitter posting API code.

The next version number bump will likely be 7.4, as the update that enables PHP 8.1 support will also drop support for 7.3. It is always recommended you keep your PHP installation up to date.

Complete Change Log

Change: Set minimum PHP version to 7.3

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thanks to dear member @jessy updated [DBTech] Tweet Poster with a new update entry:


Update highlights

This version updates the minimum PHP version requirement to 7.4. Furthermore, it switches the Twitter API to v2 in order to restore functionality.

The next version number bump will likely be 8.0, as the update that enables PHP 8.2 support will also drop support for 7.4. It is always recommended you keep your PHP installation up to date.

Complete Change Log

Change: Update Twitter OAuth library, now requires PHP 7.4+
Fix: Switch to Twitter API v2

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thanks to dear member @jessy updated [DBTech] Tweet Poster with a new update entry:


Update highlights

!!!This version requires PHP 7.4+!!!
This version adds a new feature; Per-forum Hash Tags. If you have multiple forums set up to auto-post new threads to Twitter, you can now configure hash tags for each forum individually in addition to the globally configured hash tags.
This version also refactors some backend code as well as fixing a compatibility issue with PHP 8.4.

Complete Change Log

Feature: Optional per-forum hash tags...

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thanks to dear member @jessy updated [DBTech] Tweet Poster with a new update entry:


This version updates internal libraries to take advantage of new PHP 8 capabilities, as well as various updates to support XenForo 2.3.

Complete Change Log​

Change: Upgrade TwitterOAuth library
Change: Updated macros to XF 2.3 format
Change: Replace various references with class-string<T> equivalents
Change: Update code for PHP 8.0
Change: Remove "XenForo" from copyright footer
Change: Necessary changes for the new XenForo...

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