Hostinza - Isometric Web Hosting, Domain and WHMCS Html Hosting Template

Hostinza - Isometric Web Hosting, Domain and WHMCS Html Hosting Template 1.9

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Sep 11, 2021
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thanks to dear member @hargrave submitted a new resource:

Hostinza - Isometric Web Hosting, Domain and WHMCS Html Hosting Template - a clean, Isometric modern web hosting created for people with life passion in hosting business

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Hostinza is a clean, Isometric modern web hosting created for people with life passion in hosting business.. This template is highly suitable for IT business related providing hosting services (shared and dedicated) who may also be doing web design and networking.

Hostinza Template Features:

5+ Powerful Homepage Styles with unique Headers and Content
20+ Unique design pages
Working Ajax contact form with validation
Valid HTML5 and CSS3

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