Sorry if my post wasn't clear enough. That is the current changelog, on the last version they just didn't update it. There are some different timestamps on some files, just really haven't had the time to look into.
Sorry if my post wasn't clear enough. That is the current changelog, on the last version they just didn't update it. There are some different timestamps on some files, just really haven't had the time to look into.
This theme was updated on August 8 and again on August 16. I don't know the actual version (changelog not updated on editor's website), maybe 1.7.4 not sure about that, but is it possible to upload latest version updated on August 16? Thanks.
This theme was updated on August 8 and again on August 16. I don't know the actual version (changelog not updated on editor's website), maybe 1.7.4 not sure about that, but is it possible to upload latest version updated on August 16? Thanks.