- Update: Streamlined the way uploaded files are handled.
- Add: Allow using Vision without the need of writing a query.
- Fix: Handle better the way(s!) the links are displayed in the chatbot.
- Update: Code cleanup and enhancements.
Click here to vote for the features you want the most!- [IMG...
* Add: New chart in the dashboard. I hope you'll like it!
* Update: Longer conversation can now be kept in the DB.
* Update: Sanitize Pinecone URL.
* Update: Refreshed Neko UI.
* 🚀 [Click here](https://trello.com/b/8U9SdiMy/ai-engine-feature-requests) to vote for the features you want the most!
* 🎵 Discuss with other users about features and issues on [my Discord](https://discord.gg/bHDGh38).
* 🌴 Keep us motivated with [a little review...
* Update: The chatbot bundle size has been reduced.
* Update: The CSS (and themes) used by the chatbot has been improved, simplified. It works better on mobile, it is more customizable, and the icons are handled via SVG sprites, for better performance and flexibility.
* Update: Moved to a more dynamic way to handle the engines and models.
* Update: Add-ons are now in a tab instead of a submenu
* Update: Intense code cleanup and enhancements in how the options are handled.
* Fix: There were a...
* Add: Claude-3.5 Sonnet (Anthropic).
* Fix: Issues related to envId in AI environments.
* Fix: Issues related to Anthropic + function calling + streaming.
* Fix: Avoid the Selected Discussion to break the Discussions tab.
* Fix: Minor fixes related to the Advisor.
* Fix: The Discussion shortcode was not working properly with themes.
* Fix: Issues related to embeddings sync, and how they are displayed in the admin.
* Fix: Improve nonce handling to eliminate the 'Cookie check failed' error in the chatbot.
* 🚀 [Click here](https://trello.com/b/8U9SdiMy/ai-engine-feature-requests) to vote for the features you want the most.
* 🎵 Discuss with others about AI Engine on [my Discord](https://discord.gg/bHDGh38).
* 🌴 Keep us motivated with [a little review here](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/ai-engine/reviews/). Thank you!
* Fix: Resolved the function calling issue with non-streamed assistants.
* Add: Included vision for OpenRouter's GPT-4o and Gemini-Flash.
* Fix: Matched label IDs with inputs in AI Forms.
* Update: Major refactoring of the chatbot codebase. This will allow for more flexibility and features in the future. It will be rolled out progressively. Let us know if you encounter any issues.
* Update: Anonymized file uploads.
* Update: Enhancement on the Timeless Theme.
* Update: Optimized the way the session is started.
* Fix: Various issues related to avatars, user names, etc.
* Fix: Other minor issues.
* Update: New system for the avatars used in the chatbot. You can set different avatars for the icon, the AI, the guest. Emoticons are also supported.
* Update: Improved the Timeless theme.
* Update: Improved the way the nonce is handled.
* Update: Streamlined the way function calling works.
* Update: Modified default avatars.
* Update: The JS filter ai.reply now returns the chatId and botId as well.
* Fix: Minor issues.
* Update: A better and enhanced copy button, that also now works in forms.
* Update: Improved drag n' drop for chatbot files.
* Update: Forms now use the same CSS as chatbots (you can try Timeless with them).
* Update: New unnecessary icon with Nyao, just for fun!
* Fix: TTS functionality on Android.
* Fix: Some features related to the Magic Wand were broken.
* Fix: The chatbot tabs were a bit clunky.
* Fix: Virtual keyboard hack for a better mobile experience.
* Fix: Various CSS-related...
* Add: New settings related to GDPR. The user will now have to accept conditions before using the chatbot.
* Update: Retrieve content from remote vectors, if needed and if the local ones are not available.
* Fix: Insert the System Message when a new entry is created in the Dataset Generator.
* Fix: Avoid an issue with empty but existing argument with tools.
* Fix: Issues related to buttons/shortcuts and their CSS.
* Fix: Allow having AI Forms without inputs.
* Fix: The Reset Limits issue.