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Host Google Fonts Locally
Leverage Browser Cache, Minimize DNS requests and serve your Google Fonts in a 100% GDPR compliant way with OMGF!How could using fonts via Google’s service possibly run afoul of GDPR? The fact of the matter is that, when a font is requested by the user’s browser, their IP is logged by Google and used for analytics.
— Lifehacker
OMGF is written with performance and user-friendliness in mind. It...
Download OMGF Pro v3.6.6 - Host Google Fonts Locally for Wordpress Nulled Free
= v3.6.6 | September 14th, 2022 =
* Improved: Process WebFont Loader now also detects minified WebFont Loader libraries (webfont.min.js)
* Improved: Remove Async Google Fonts also removes asynchronously added font files ( and Material Icons ( libraries.
* Fixed: Set required PHP version 7.2
* Fixed: Process Local Stylesheets now also supports @import String...
Download OMGF Pro v3.7.0 - Host Google Fonts Locally for Wordpress Nulled Free
= v3.7.0 - Codename: Einstein | October 9th, 2022 =
* Added: Auto Config Adv. Processing feature in the Task Manager.
* Fixed: Fallback Font Stacks and Font Display Attributes weren't added to inline style blocks.
* Fixed: When the same font-family was declared in different ways in the same style block the Replace option would fail.
* Fixed: @import url() without quotes weren't detected.
* Fixed: @import...
* Improved: Adv. Processing options are no longer disabled when Auto-Config is enabled.
* Improved: Show a clear notice under the Adv. Processing options when Auto-Config is enabled.
* Added: compatibility for themes (like Sonaar) which used the handle 'load' to generate dynamic CSS.
* Tested with WP 6.1.
* Improved: OMGF Pro now checks if the defined value in Modify Source URL actually leads to a valid path.
* Improved: OMGF Pro now checks if you're running PHP 7.2 or higher and if not, will throw a human readable warning and deactivate the plugin.
* Improved: WebFont Loader detection would be too specific, missing some implementations.
* Improved: Clarified notice in Detection Settings when Auto Config Adv. Processing is enabled.
* Improved: OMGF Pro now removes...
* Updated License Manager to v1.11.5
* Fixed: Ultimate license holders would get "license expired" notices.
* Fixed: Soon to expire licenses would block the ability to install updates.
* Updated License Manager to v1.11.6
* Fixed: Soon to expire licenses would block the ability to install updates.
* Improved: prevent unnecessary writes to the DB when Process Local Stylesheets and/or Force Font-Display is enabled.
* Improved: remove query parameters from URLs stored in the `omgf_pro_processed_local_stylesheets` row to prevent unnecessary duplicates.