Pagina bianca pannello di controllo sito con joomla.

1.put loader-wizard.php to your website
2.visit your website /loader-wizard.php
3. folllow loader-wizard.php result to change php.ini ,put ioncube files to your server.
4.restart your php services
Ciao l1admin689.
Ho letto le indicazioni che mi hai fornito e ti ringrazio davvero.
Ho provato ma praticamente non riesco. Non ho dimestichezza con procedure diverse dal solito. Ho provato a caricare il file di ioncube ma non so avviarlo. Ho provato con Putty ma noin so configurarlo e procedere.
Insomma, ho tutto ma non so come usare ioncube e il resto.
La decrizione passo-passo che mi hai scritto non la so fare.
really,really ,you need to read https://****
and follow their tip to install ioncude .no other way to do ,
1. login ssh .copy ioncude package in your system any folder ****/test.php with code
to get php.ini location in your system

Installing with the Loader Wizard (recommended)

It is recommended to install a Loader using help from the Loader Wizard. The Wizard is a PHP script that when installed on a web server can give guidance specific to that machine, including which Loader file is required and what to add to the php.ini file.

Download the Loader Wizard: ZIP archive or tar.gz (.tgz) archive

To use the Wizard:

  1. install the script into your web space
  2. launch the script in your browser
The Wizard will give guidance on selection and installation of the correct Loader package.