Ensuring compatibility with WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS).
Improvements on how we handle licenses.
Fixing a possible bug with the Brick theme.
Fixing other bugs, and making code improvements.
The automatic Form event will fire on successful form submission for the following plugins: Contact Form 7, Forminator, WP Forms, Formidable Pro, Ninja Forms, and Fluent Forms
New event trigger tracking form success for the following plugins: Contact Form 7, Forminator, WP Forms, Formidable Pro, Ninja Forms, and Fluent Forms
Additional checks for user role permissions for the Head and Footer option. Only roles with unfiltered_html permission will be able to use it. That’s admin for single WordPress or super admin for multisite. These permissions can be controlled with dedicated plugins.
Fix for a possible issue with Easy Digital Downloads add-to-cart events, where the events were not fired in some instances.
Fix for Google Measurement secrete key notifications closing problem.
New options for TikTok related to WooCommerce variable products: treat variable products like simple products, select values for IDs, and use prefixes or postfixes for IDs.
New consent filters that can control the plugin’s cookies, explained on the plugin’s Consent page.
New consent filter that can control the TikTok tag, explained on the plugin’s Consent page.
Fixing a possible issue with non-script tags and consent filters.