Formidable Forms Pro

Formidable Forms Pro 6.10 Nulled

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New: Rich text fields can now be set to read only.
New: Rootline pagination will now be kept to a single row. Mobile widths without enough space to fit every page will hide extra page numbers in a dropdown toggled by a new rootline item with an ellipsis.
New: Currency format settings for Slider fields will now also be applied to the min/max labels that get appended when a Before/After Input option is set.
Fix: HTML in options for radio buttons and checkboxes using the Images display format was being escaped in summary fields and when viewing entries. It is now filtered instead to support some HTML elements.
Fix: Character limit validation wasn't accurate for UTF-8 strings that include characters such as Æ, Ø and Å.
Fix: Integer shortcodes will no longer match for a form for field IDs that don't exist. This was causing issues with the sanitize_url=1 option getting added to success URLs for shortcodes like [0] that should be left alone.
Fix: Progress bars were not appearing on the "Edit Entry" and "View Entry" admin pages since the v5.5.1 update that added pagination position options.
Fix: Avoid a PHP8 deprecation message passing a null value when calling kses while displaying an entry value shortcode that does not exist.
Fix: Repeater form field transients will now be deleted when a field is moved from the repeater to somewhere else in the form. Old transient data not being updated would result in cases where a field may appear twice, both inside and outside of the repeater.
Fix: The option to format a number as currency was not working for repeated and embedded slider fields if no fields in the parent form had a currency defined.
  • New: Formidable-styled submit buttons will now appear at half opacity with a disallowed cursor pointer when disabled.
  • New: Draft pages can now be selected when adding existing items to an application.
  • New: Password field strength will now validate in JavaScript when the setting is enabled.
  • New: Added a new "page" option to form shortcodes. For example, [formidable id=454 page=2] will begin on the 2nd page of a form, and [formidable id=pages page=start-page] will begin based on the value of a start-page get param.
  • Fix: Some application templates would fail to import because of an unexpected conflicting attribute in newer XML exports.
  • Fix: Fields inside of a duplicated section were not properly wrapped in a field group in the form builder until after refreshing the page.
  • Fix: Views wouldn't appear in Applications when Polylang was active because of a filtering conflict.
  • Fix: Calculations weren't triggering on page load after hitting the back button on Chrome and Edge.
  • Fix: A regex pattern was growing too large when importing an XML file with thousands of fields resulting in a "Compilation failed: regular expression is too large at offset" warning.
  • Fix: Additional checks were added to import to prevent warnings when tracking child entries and when importing an unexpected date value.
  • Fix: Cascading look up field options were not appearing (this was already patched in some versions of the previous release).
  • Fix: Taxonomy rows in post actions would disappear from post actions after changing taxonomy type.
  • Fix: The "Exclude options" checkbox for taxonomy rows in post actions would remain checked after saving unless all options were also unchecked.
  • Fix: All fields will be hidden again when using a form shortcode with the fields="" option like in previous 5.0.x versions of Pro.
Download Formidable Forms Pro v5.5.1 - WordPress Forms Plugin & Online Application Builder Nulled Free
Formidable Forms v5.5.1

New: Added a new Rootline / Progress Bar position setting to Pagination settings.
New: Labels that fall outside of x_min, x_max, y_min, and y_max range values will no longer be included in graphs.
Fix: The value of a disabled time dropdown will be cleared after the date is changed. Previously the value would still appear selected but submit as empty possibly resulting in missing time values or unexpected required field errors on submit.
  • New: Paragraph fields now support a new Limit Length setting for limiting a Paragraph field to a maximum number of words or characters.
  • New: Date pickers initialized from a Formidable date field will now use a prefixed class to avoid styling conflicts with other date pickers. Styling for month and year dropdowns has been modified to improve compatibility with the Astra theme on WooCommerce pages.
  • New: Added a new frm_check_file_referer filter to give better control of the referer check for protected files.
  • New: Added a new Autocomplete setting for setting the autocomplete attribute for password and number fields.
  • Fix: A 0000-00-00 date will no longer be used as the entry creation date when creating a form entry from a draft post.
  • Fix: The entry updated time will now use the current time instead of being left blank when creating a form entry from a draft post.
  • Fix: Prevent a warning when saving a draft on a form with only a single page.
  • Fix: The frm_date_field_options filter previously would not work for disabling the changeMonth and changeYear options with the unique option set on the date field.
Download Formidable Forms Pro v5.4.1 - WordPress Forms Plugin & Online Application Builder Nulled Free
= v5.4.1 =
New: Temporary uploaded files will now be deleted with a cron job when crons are enabled.
New: Added a new Autocomplete setting to Text fields for defining the autocomplete attribute value in HTML.
Fix: Expired licenses were appearing as "Premium" in the license settings section with an option to upgrade to Elite and will now properly show the license type before it was expired.
Fix: Summary fields would display a "You do not have permission to do that" message for inaccessible protected files. Now an icon based off of file type will be displayed instead of the permission error.
Fix: Warnings were appearing when editing entries with Likert fields in some cases.
Download Formidable Forms Pro v5.4 - WordPress Forms Plugin & Online Application Builder Nulled Free
= v5.4 =

* New: Added a new frm_new_form_values filter for customizing the default values of new forms.
* New: Added a new frm_ajax_loaded_field event for listening for loaded fields loaded via AJAX on long forms in the form builder.
* Fix: Custom aria-describedby attribute values were not properly merging with the aria-describedby values added by field descriptions and errors.
* Fix: Imported field data would occasionally break if the new field ids had a different number of digits than the previously imported values.
* Fix: Placeholder text was appearing more transparent in Firefox than in other browsers and has been updated for consistency.
* Fix: Prevent a conflict that was causing the new Form modal to appear on some websites as a blank box without any content.
* Updated the icon for Constant Contact.
Download Formidable Forms Pro v5.2.05 - WordPress Forms Plugin & Online Application Builder Nulled Free
= v5.2.05 =

* New: Added a new frm_focus_first_error filter to toggle of the behavior of the auto-focus that gets triggered on the first field with an error.
* New: Added a new frm_include_alert_role_on_field_errors filter to toggle the alert role that gets added to field errors.
Download Formidable Forms Pro v5.2.04 - WordPress Forms Plugin & Online Application Builder Nulled Free
= v5.2.04 =

* New: Defined field option data will no longer be sent to Akismet, to help improve accuracy with Akismet API.
* Fix: Updated Elementor widget so it no longer uses the deprecated _register_controls method.
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