+ Added Sign-up and Forgot password widgets;
+ Added the dynamic translation data to the export file;
+ Added Server-to-Server OAuth method for Zoom integration;
+ Fixed the the 500 error in Service extras;
+ Improved RTL compatibility for a better user interface;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
+ Added an option to delete associated WordPress users when deleting Staff & Customer;
+ Added option to update or create a new user when editing Staff with "use existing WordPress user option" selected;
+ Added a timeout for Payments in the Booking panel;
+ Added an ability to change WooCommerce order status when the appointment is paid from the backend (WooCommerce addon);
+ Sign in page now redirects customers to the previous page instead of the customer panel;
+ Fixed the issue related to the checkbox in the Custom forms addon;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Appearance Color changing on the Booknetic Cart step;
+ Fixed some issues related to the Sign in page shortcode with Divi;
+ Fixed the bug related to the email notifications;
+ Fixed the issue related to the appointment change status;
+ Fixed the issue related to the overlapping flexible timeslots;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Graph showing wrong data in some places;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Elementor page editing when the Booking panel page was saved in settings;
+ Fixed the issue related to the WooCommerce bug not sending Appointment details via email;
+ Made Booknetic more responsive;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
+ Fixed the bug related to the Custom Forms;
+ Fixed some issues related to the WooCommerce payment gateway;
+ Fixed the bug related to the email notifications;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
+ Scrolling script has been completely changed;
+ Customers can join to the waitlist for other service if staff are busy with another service;
+ Added "Allow to login" permission in to User role manager;
+ Fixed the content encoding problem with some iPhone models;
+ Fixed the bug related to the rating button visibility after the expiration;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Custom Forms;
+ Fixed the bug related to the "Timeslot available" event;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Gmail SMTP expired tokens;
+ Fixed the issue related to the booking panel auto resize in the popup;
+ Fixed the issue related to the reordering services and service categories;
+ Fixed the issue related to the 365-day graph;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
+ Added a reset order button for services and service categories;
+ Added an option to send "Timeslot available" workflow event to customers;
+ Fixed the bug related to the "New customer created" event;
+ Fixed the bug related to the custom durations;
+ Fixed the bug related to the rating form;
+ Fixed the bug related to the reordering services and service categories;
+ Fixed the bug related to the dynamic translations;
+ Fixed the bug related to the fixed tax amount;
+ Fixed the issue related to the recaptcha position;
+ Fixed the issue related to the "Price do not include taxes" position;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
+ Added a new feature - Custom Duration;
+ Added a new feature - Conversion tracking (Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager);
+ Added a new feature - Donations;
+ Added an ability to translate the dynamic data (Services, Staff, Locations, etc.)
+ Added an ability to set conditions for Custom Forms (Conditional Fields);
+ Added new shortcodes to show each dates for the recurring appointments;
+ Added Flexible timeslots option;
+ Fixed the bug related to the limited booking days;
+ Fixed the bug related to the customer duplication on multi-booking;
+ Fixed the bug related to the staff specific price on Any Staff option;
+ Fixed the bug related to the taxes when coupon applied;
+ Fixed the bug related to the payment links with Square payment gateway;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Reordering services and categories;
+ Fixed the Google Calendar duplication issue related to the payment links;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Waiting list;
+ Fixed the traslation issue related to the Telegram integration;
+ Fixed some issues related to Rating form;
+ Fixed some issues related to Zoom;
+ Fixed some issues related to WooCommerce payment gateway;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
+ Added an ability to reorder the services and service categories;
+ Fixed the bug related to the extra services when the staff step is disabled;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Elementor widgets;
+ Fixed some permission problems with the User role manager;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.