* [Evergreen Countdown] - New element for evergreen countdowns.
* [Dynamic Chart] - New query loop option for dynamically adding new data points.
* [Header Search] - Added "expand" search type.
* [Pro Accordion] - Added an option to auto-add FAQ schema to all accordion items.
* [Notification Bar] - The "show again until user clicks dismiss" now allows for showing again after a set time.
* [Pro Slider Gallery] - Added an option to change the size of image when adding links (for use with Dynamic Lightbox).
* [Hotspots] - Markers can now be links.
* [Slide Menu] - Added customizable aria-label for dropdown arrows.
* [Table of Contents] - Added "conditional display" option to remove table if no headings found.
* [X-Ray] - Moved position of icon and can now be enabled/disabled from plugin settings page.
* [Dynamic Lightbox] - Plyr assets no longer being fetched from the CDN.
* [General] - Added support for using elements inside content filtered by Piotnet Grid's facets.
* [General] - Some minor UI changes ready for Bricks v1.8.
* [Lottie] - Fixed an issue with "hover" trigger where child elements would restart animation.
* [Pro Slider] - Fixed an issue where styling wasn't correct inside builder if was inside Bricks' template element.
* [Table of Contents] - Fixed an issue where adding non-numeric values in offset wasn't accepted.
* [Modal] - Fixed an issue where very bottom of modal sometimes wasn't visible on mobile devices.
* [Adjacent Posts] - New Query Loop extension for building custom prev/next post layout.
* [Related Posts] - New Query Loop extension for displaying related posts within specific taxonomies.
* [General] - Support added for JetSmartFilters for using the elements inside loops being filtered (Modal, Lightbox, OffCanvas, Pro Accordion, Social Share, Read More, Pro Slider & Popover).
* [Dynamic Lightbox] - Now supports being inside nested query loops.
* [Pro Slider] - Now supports being inside nested query loops (including syncing and controls).
* [Pro Slider] - Added "adaptive height" option to allow slider to adapt to current active slide height.
* [Pro Slider] - Added support for re-triggering "big" inner animations - fadeInUpBig, fadeInDownBig etc. from Bricks' interactions.
* [Pro Slider Gallery] - Gallery images can now be linked to Bricks v1.7.2+ Lightbox.
* [Site breadcrumbs] - Added more controls over output - excluding specific post/product categories or disabling categories.
* [Dynamic Chart] - New horizontal option for bar/line charts. (labels up the Y-axis, values along the X-axis).
* [Dynamic Chart] - Now allows for adding units before or after the values.
* [Dynamic Chart] - Added option to add tooltips to charts.
* [Dynamic Chart] - Fixed an issue where using large 7+ digit numbers (that resemble telephone numbers) as values wouldn't plot correctly if viewed on iOS.
* [Header Extras] - Fixed Header Extras tab sometimes not appearing inside page settings.
* [Header Search] - Fixed an issue with icons not changing size/colors if using custom SVGs.
* [Dynamic Table] - Fixed an issue with "if no rows found" text not being customisable when pagination disabled.
- [Social Share] – New element for adding social share buttons.
- [Site Breadcrumbs] – New element for adding site-wide breadcrumbs.
- [Modal] – Now supports being inside nested query loops (up to 3 levels deep).
- [OffCanvas] – Now supports being inside nested query loops (up to 3 levels deep)
- [OffCanvas] – Added an option to fade in in addition to slide in for the Transition type.
- [Pro Slider] – Added Splide lazy loading option.
- [Pro Slider Gallery] – Added a setting to enable slider lazy loading for all gallery images (either Bricks or Splide lazy load).
- [Pro Slider Gallery] – Added a setting to enable/disable SRCSET on images.
- [General] – Added out-of-the-box support for WP Grid Builder’s facets. Modal, OffCanvas, Pro Accordion, Pro Slider, Dynamic Lightbox, Social Share, Read More, Popover (for being used inside query loops when building filtered).
- [Tilt Effect] – Scale now accepts decimal values ( 1.5 = 150%).
- [Pro Accordion] – Added an option to change the HTML tag on the wrapper (for doing ul>li etc).
- [Dynamic Table] – Added an option to set a fixed height for a scrollable table (header & footer remain fixed).
- [Dynamic Lightbox] – Added an option to change UI color for video player in manual link mode.
- [Dynamic Lightbox] – Can now use class added to headings or images directly for link selectors (before you may have needed to use .my-class a due to Bricks not adding the classes to the links, this is done automatically now).
- [Content Timeline] – Reworked the logic for the line, for more accurate positioning.
- [Content Timeline] – Added -—x-timeline-progress CSS variable that changes value from 1 – 100 as the timeline progresses (can be used to change styles on any inner elements based on timeline position).
- [Interactive Cursor] – Added an option to change border-radius of ball/trails.
- [X-Ray] – Slightly darker outlines by default for better visibility (users can change --x-xray-color CSS variable from Bricks CSS settings if wishing to change color).
- [Modal] – Fixed the issue with close button not triggering if multiple modals are open simultaneously.
- [Slide Menu] – Fixed the issue of not correctly outputting menu when populating menu slug using dynamic tags.
* [Content Timeline] - New element for creating content timeline layouts.
* [X-Ray Mode] - In-builder option for quickly viewing layout structures visually.
* [Dynamic Lightbox] - Added "gallery" option to lightbox content for pulling in galleries into single lightbox.
* [Dynamic Lightbox] - Added better support for WPGB infinite scroll (see support FAQ in docs).
* [Image hotspots] - Added an option to add custom alt text to image.
* [Dynamic Table] - No longer outputs "NaN" if column set to numbers and cell has no value.
* [Dynamic Lightbox] - Fixed the issue with UI styles styling both close buttons and navigation together.
* [Fluent Form] - Updated some selectors to match Fluent Forms flex-box column gaps.
* [Header Extras] - Slight CSS change to avoid small jump if header set to be sticky immediately after scrolling.
* [General] - Removed various default CSS settings for better support for mobile-first.
* [Pro Slider / Gallery] - Added an option to change the slide list HTML tag (for changing to <ul> lists etc. if needed).
* [Interactive Cursor] - Fixed the issue where cursor wasn't visible on some desktop devices that have touchscreen.
* [Header Extras] - Fixed breakpoint issue causing warning with some older versions of PHP.
* [Header Extras] - New features added to Bricks' header template - (overlay headers, sticky on scroll, hide header after scrolling X added to any breakpoint globally, or per page/template).
* [Header Row] - New element for more easily building headers in bricks (supports conditionally appearing in overlay or sticky headers, change styles when sticky etc).
* [Pro Slider] - Added an option to change all aria-labels for pagination, nav arrows etc.
* [Pro Slider] - Added a "conditional slider" option to disable slider if not enough slides to fill the slider viewport.
* [Pro Slider] - Added an option to set horizontal flex alignment if there are not enough slides.
* [Pro Slider] - Added an option to delay the first staggered animation.
* [Pro Slider] - "Focus" setting can now be changed per breakpoint.
* [Toggle Switch] - Query loop can now be used to populate "multiple labels".
* [Dynamic Table] - New "Stackable table" option for stacking columns on mobile.
* [Burger Trigger] - Now possible to hide the button text at different breakpoints.
* [Interactive Cursor] - Cursor will now automatically shrink if moving position over an iFrame.
* [Interactive Cursor] - Fixed the issue with cursor not reacting to readmore/less buttons.
* [General] - Fixed compatibility issue with OffCanvas/Modal template dropdown with Bricks v1.6+.
* [Dynamic Lightbox] - Fixed an issue with overflow resetting to "auto" on mobile.
* [Table of Contents] - Fixed an issue where collapse depth wouldn't apply.
* [Pro Accordion] - New element for building nestable and accessible accordions.
* [Table of Contents] - Now supports different open/close positions at different screen widths.
* [Pro Slider] - Added support for Bricks v.1.5.6 interactions (for triggering fadein type animations on elements inside slides).
* [Pro Slider] - Added overflow setting to allow slides to go outside of slide track.
* [Dynamic Table] - Added an option to change "no records found" text if there are no rows.
* [Toggle Switch] - Added an option to disable labels and just use the toggle switch.
* [Back to Top] - New element for creating animated back to top buttons.
* [Interactive Cursor] - New element for adding cursors that interact with other elements.
* [Popovers/Tooltips] - New element for adding popovers or tooltips to elements.
* [Modal] - Modals using "click" as trigger can now be used inside query loops.
* [Interactive features] - Now added to most native elements.
* [Fluent Form] - Added "progress steps" to progress bar style controls.
* [Lightbox] - Fixed issue where CSS grid inside lightbox content wouldn't display correctly inside the builder.
* [Reading Progress Bar] - New element for adding reading progress bars based on scroll position of containers, or of the whole page.
* [Before / After Image] - New element for adding accessible before/after image sliders.
* [Table of Contents] - Added option to automatically use heading text for the anchor links.
* [Table of Contents] - Better support for Bricks' "Add Element ID & class as needed" setting (no longer required to add an ID to the element).
* [Modal] - Added an option to disable "auto focus on first focusable element" when opened.
* [Dynamic Table] - Added options to change/translate all text inside the pagination summary.
* [Dynamic Table] - Bumped to the latest GridJS version.
* [Dynamic Table] - Added an option to customize the number of pagination buttons.
* [Dynamic Table] - Fixed the issue with certain characters ( åäö ) not displaying correctly inside the builder.
* [Dynamic Lightbox] - Removed the default 900px max-width restriction on the container.
- [Pro Slider] – New element for building sliders/carousels.
- [Pro Slider Control] – New element for adding extras to sliders: Progress bars, counters, autoplay play/pause button.
- [Pro Slider Gallery] – New element for allowing to use the Pro Slider for dynamic galleries ex.: use ACF Gallery field or Meta Box Image Advanced or Media Library as the source of slide images.
- [Dynamic Chart] – Added “pie / doughnut” chart type.
- [Dynamic Lightbox] – Added easy way to add custom close buttons – “data-x-lightbox-close” attribute.
- [Burger Trigger] – Added option to add button text.
- [Table of Contents] – Smooth scrolling can now be disabled.
- [Modal] – Clicking backdrop to close and ESC key to close now optional.
- [Read More / Less] – Fixed issue where read more wouldn’t size correctly when inside a modal.
- [OffCanvas] – Fixed issue where Safari that would cause lazy loaded images not to render.
- [Developer docs] – gLightbox instance now exposed, so lightbox can be controlled programmatically easily.