Bug fix
Fixes the issue with incorrect totals when removing part of a bundle item from the order
What's new
- Adds the “No Shipping Method” option to shipping methods selection (in color & icons rules)
Bug fix
- Fixes the issue with access permissions for the order comment edit action
- Fixes fatal error when adding a configurable product to an order
Bug fix
- Fixes the issue with ordered items removing in case of using the "Delete Old Invoices and Creditmemos and Create New" option in Post-edit Order Processor
- Fixes the issue with calculation of ordered items qty in case of items removing
- Improves compatibility with Magento MSI
- Fixes a division by zero error while items editing
- Fixes the compatibility issue between our extensin and Amasty Store Credits extension
- Fixes the issue with processing of an item with a custom option of a file type
- Fixes the issue with adding of a bundle product to order
- Fixes a fatal error in case if it's not possible to restore a quote for an order
- Improves temporary order totals calculation
- Additional minor bug fixes and improvements
- Self-closed tags are no longer used in templates
- Adds new column to orders grid: Shipped (Yes/No/Partially)
- Adds new mass-action to orders grid: Capture + Ship
[*]Adds reauthorization feature for PayPal_Braintree payments (available only through Vault)
[*]Adds new module to the extension package: OrderEditorBraintree
[*]Adds new behaviour for invoice & creditmemo processing (post processing for order edit): “Keep Previous Invoices and Creditmemos and Create New”
[*]Adds webhooks for order edit: now you can send all changes to specified URL
[*]Increases tax rate accuracy to 4 decimal places
[*]Adds compatibility with Magento 2.4.4 and PHP8.1
- Adds ability to create invoice without capture & capture invoices for orders with offline payment methods
- Fixes the issue with mass action input on 2.3.x Magento versions