WooCommerce Variation Swatches And Photos

WooCommerce Variation Swatches And Photos 3.1.10

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* Update: WC and WP compatibility tags and updates.
* Update: PHP 8.3 compatibility.
* Update: WC and WP compatibility tags and updates.
* Update: PHP 8.3 compatibility.
* Update: Add aria roles and labels to the swatches to provide help for assistive technologies.
* Update: CSS updates to modernize the UI a bit.
* Update: Update wc_core_dropdown_variation_attribute_options to match latest wc_dropdown_variation_attribute_options function.
* Update: Double check that the swatch options exist before attempting to render them. Fixes issues with some themes that do not properly load the swatch options.
* Update: PHP 8.2+ compatibility.
* Update: WC and WP compatibility.
* Update: Add aria roles and labels to the swatches to provide help for assistive technologies.
* Update: WC and WP compatibility.
* Update: PHP 8 compatibility.
* Update: HPOS compatibility.
Download WooCommerce Variation Swatches And Photos v3.1.6 Nulled Free
2022.04.07 - v3.1.6

* Update: Allow swatches to render during an AJAX call if so configured.
* Update: WC and WP compatibility tags