WP-Lister Pro for Amazon

WP-Lister Pro for Amazon 2.6.15

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* New: Added the shipping methods ExpeditedGlobalParcel and ExpeditedLocalParcel to the GLS carrier
* New: Added the shipping carrier DX Freight
* Tweak: Increase the timeout value when trying to activate the plugin license
* Fix: Personalization data from orders not getting recorded
* Fix: Product-level _amazon_price value must have priority over profile value
* Fix: Added the missing Reseller Category value JE_VOEC
* Dev: Handled errors in the Accounts page
* Dev: Removed MWS fields from the Accounts page
* Dev: Added the filter wpla_force_amazon_collected_taxes
* Tweak: Use basedir in storing log files
* Fixed: Amazon customer data not getting cleared from session after importing orders
* Fixed: Use the correct UserAgent in the API calls
* Fixed: Added the missing KZ_VOEC property
* Fixed: Repricer not setting to the max possible price
* New: Longer data retention options for Amazon orders
* New: Import the listing description from the Amazon catalog
* New: Added a setting to periodically pull Order Reports to be able to import Business Tax IDs for business orders
* Tweak: Enhanced the frontend checkout by sending the feed updates to a background task
* Tweak: Lowered the number of ASINs when querying for price updates to prevent getting throttled
* Tweak: WP capability check - changed edit_others_pages to edit_others_shop_orders and edit_orders_products
* Tweak: When generating a new feed, exclude all invalid listings (missing SKUs, etc) so they do not get included in the CSV file
* Tweak: Update price check date on ASINs with error to prevent from staying at the front of the queue
* Fixed: $SubmittedDate undefined notice
* Fixed: Added the missing SG_VOEC property
* Fixed: Error when trying to count attributes from an imported listing
* Fixed: Handle throttled responses for GetOrderAddress and GetOrderBuyInfo calls
* Fixed: Warning "foreach() argument must be of type array" when importing some orders
* Fixed: Fatal error when the parent ASIN could not be loaded
* Fixed: Dompdf library clash when the Invoice Upload setting is enabled
* Dev: Log errors from getCompetitivePricing
* New: Now you can request and download the Pending Order Report from within WP-Lister
* Tweak: Delay consecutive calls to the getCompetitivePricing API to avoid triggering the rate limit
* Fixed: WP-Lister will now get notified of changes made via the Admin Columns Pro plugin
* Fixed: PHP Error: Call to undefined method getFeedId()
* Fixed: Invoice upload feed should always be sent as UTF-8
* Fixed: Library clash for FontLib\Autoloader and Dompdf\Autoloader
* Dev: Added a custom namespace to the Dompdf library to prevent collisions
* Dev: More verbose debug log allows for more precise bug squashing when processing shipping fees
* Dev: Allow plugins to control whether feed content should be utf8_decode'd using the new wpla_utf8_decode_feed_content filter
* Dev: Fully compatible with WooCommerce 7.2
* Security: Fixed a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability reported by Animesh Gaurav
* Tweak: Make the list of prepared listing issues expandable to save screen space
* Fixed: Invoice uploaded to amazon could show as blank PDF due to invalid characters
* Fixed: Issue where "There are no shipping options available" was shown incorrectly
* Fixed: Shipping method ID not being accessed correctly
* Fixed: Invalid argument for foreach in ListingsModel.php
* Fixed: Call to undefined method getFeedId() in AmazonFeed.php
* Fixed: Check for an existing Dompdf class before including the autoloader (3rd party plugin compatibility)
* Dev: Force download of log files instead of directly linking to them
* Tweak: Hide parent container items when filtering listings to only show items without ASINs
* Fixed: Repricing did not reset to max price if seller has buy box and no competition
* Fixed: Improved downloading gallery thumbnails when importing items from Amazon
* Dev: Added definition to be able to access the Contributors property when fetching catalog items
* Dev: Added parameter 'product_node' to the wpla_filter_imported_product_data filter
* Tweak: Removed old report types which are no longer supported by Amazon's new SP-API
* Tweak: Regularly clean the amazon_jobs table
* Fixed: Uploading Invoices to the SP-API
* Fixed: Import Book attributes from the API
* Fixed: Use the ReportDocument::getCompressionAlgorithm() method to determine if the report body needs to be decoded
* Fixed: Call to a member function get_regular_price() on bool when passed an invalid/nonexistent product
* Fixed: Attempt to read property "account_id" on array
* Fixed: Error when trying to access null as object
* Fixed: Call to function getAttributes() on bool
* Fixed: GuzzleHttp conflict with other plugins
* Dev: Added the method getEligibleShipmentServices()
* New: Use the new Catalog API to pull images and bullet points when importing listings
* New: Added shipping methods for the Australia Post-ArticleID carrier
* Tweak: Improved performance in SQL query when building large feeds
* Tweak: Display "Sync sales is disabled" in the order history log for products where syncing has been disabled
* Fixed: Removed redundant code causing a "Undefined variable awsToken" notice
* Fixed: Added the missing constant AU_VOEC in the SP-API library
* Fixed: Undefined offset warnings when saving variable products
* Dev: Added the filter wpla_run_plugin_update_check to override the frequency of update checks from the license server
* Dev: Added filter wpla_attribute_shortcode_value
* New: Added the CTTExpress shipping provider
* Tweak: Improved Product Bundles support: Update bundle quantity when child components are updated
* Fixed: Issue where requesting the FBA Shipment report would fail
* Fixed: Plugin conflict with Advanced Shipping Tracking Pro
* Fixed: Avoid double-encoding data from the Merchant Listings report
* Fixed: Invalid value 'NZ_VOEC' for 'deemed_reseller_category' error
* Fixed: Use WC_Product_Bundle::get_bundle_stock_quantity() to get stock quantity of bundled products
* Dev: Added filter wpla_shipment_tracking_instance
Download WP-Lister Pro for Amazon v2.2.8 Nulled Free
= v2.2.8 – 2022-08-30 =
* Fixed: Record the correct Gift Wrap amount from Amazon
* Fixed: Undefined function get_stock_managed_by_id() (since 2.2.7)
* Fixed: Undefined variable wpl_is_reg_brand
* Fixed: Warnings on the Advanced Settings page