Fix bug where 'weight by content type' feature didn't work as expected in general search
Thanks to @NamePros for sponsoring this update.
Display various search term constraints on the search results form.
For developers to implement support in 3rd party add-ons:
Each search constraint needs a svSearchConstraint. prefixed phrase.
Arrays are mapped to phrases by adding a _ for each sub-array/key as such; c[warning][points][lower] => svSearchConstraint.warning_points_lower
Each search order needs a svSearchOrder. prefixed phrase.
Extend XF\Entity\Search::getSpecializedSearchConstraintPhrase(string $key, $value) to provide custom phrase handling (ie node names)
Extend XF\Entity\Search::formatConstraintValue(string $key, $value) to provide custom formatting.
Extend XF\Entity\Search::setupConstraintFields to populate $svDateConstraint/$svUserConstraint/$svIgnoreConstraint properties which control formatting
Use the debug option "List all unphrased search constraints" which will dump unmapped contraints to search results page.
This feature is powering tag autocomplete and username autocomplete which supports partial matches, and non-prefix lookups on SpaceBattles.
Require XenForo 2.2+, removes xf2.0/xf2.1 support
Add "Specialized index" support
Specialized search index allows generating single-purpose elastic search indexes while re-using as much XF search infrastructure as possible.
Elasticsearch index is more akin to an SQL table than an entire database, so for very specific tasks a single purpose search index works better.
A separate index also allows changing indexing properties and re-indexing just that one index without impacting the main search index
Implementation of a specialized index notes;
At the core, a XenForo search handler is used to drive the functionality.
The search handler should implement the interface \SV\SearchImprovements\Search\Specialized\SpecializedData
Use the types MetadataStructure::KEYWORD or MetadataStructure::STR fields in setupMetadataStructure.
These types will be rewritten to add .exact & [/icode].ngram[/icode] subfields. To skip this pass ['skip-rewrite' => true] to the MetadataStructure::addField's 3rd argument.
MetadataStructure::KEYWORD - shortish text which is semi-structured such as tags or usernames
MetadataStructure::STR - Arbitrary text which uses phrases of text
Register the search handler with the following content type fields
This handler really shouldn't be registered with search_handler_class content type field.
Add the behavior SV\SearchImprovements:SpecializedIndexable to the entity.